File a 311 Complaint
提交 311 投訴
Report any excessive noise, blocked sidewalks, or unpermitted gathering. Use “Open Streets” in the service request so the 7th Precinct can associate the issue with the DOT Program.
在評論中使用“開放街道”,以便第七分局可以將該問題與 DOT 計劃聯繫起來。
Email Ed Pincar
電子郵件 Ed Pincar
The Open Streets permit expired in November 2024. Let the DOT know that you don't want a renewal for 2025 unless they adopt the Canal Open Streets Community Working Plan
开放街道许可证于 2024 年 11 月到期。请告知 DOT,除非他们采用 Canal Open Streets Community Working计划,否则您不希望在 2025 年续签
Sign Our Petition
Sign our Petition and join us in organizing for a more fair and equitable Open Streets Program.
Join Us in Organizing
✅ FOR reasonable operating hours determined by people who actually live here
✅ FOR an Open Streets that is inclusive for ALL neighbors, not just those who can afford to sit at an outdoor dining table
✅ FOR Equity and Community Input for ALL businesses and residents
✅ FOR Accountablility for Open Streets partner businesses
❌ AGAINST a Carnival-like atmosphere, until 10pm every night, 7 days a week
❌ AGAINST More Policing by restaurant private security and overuse of city resources like NYPD and DOT staff
❌ AGAINST Displacement & Accelerated Gentrification in Chinatown
❌ AGAINST a Complete Handover of our public spaces to the restaurant industry